Saturday, December 30, 2023

Welcome to Adventuring with Krystal

Hi there, I'm Krystal! As your go-to travel advisor and a fellow journeyer through the ups and downs of life, I've created this space to share a blend of insights, tips, and tales. Whether it's mastering the art of organizing, diving into a good book, tuning into an inspiring podcast, navigating the world of raising teens, or dreaming up your next family adventure, this blog is your one-stop destination.

Here at 'Adventuring with Krystal,' we believe that travel is more than just destinations; it's about the connections we make and the stories we gather along the way. As a mom, runner, yoga enthusiast, and avid learner, I bring a unique perspective to travel advising – one that's grounded in real-life experiences and a passion for enriching family connections.

Join me as we explore the world around us and the worlds within us. From the nostalgic charm of 50s and 60s road trips to the stunning blue waters of the Caribbean, every post here is a step towards discovering something new – about the world, our families, and ourselves. So, let's embark on this journey together, sharing laughs, lessons, and lots of travel tips along the way!

Discover, connect, and enrich your life – one adventure at a time.

Fashion Capitals: A Luxury Journey Through Style and Culture

Traveling to the world’s fashion capitals is more than just a shopping spree; it's an immersive dive into the heart of style and culture...