Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Mastering the Family Schedule: How to Create a Calendar Everyone Uses

In the bustling rhythm of family life, coordinating schedules can be akin to conducting an orchestra. With school events, work meetings, family outings, and personal commitments all vying for time, a shared family calendar isn't just helpful—it's essential. Here's how we've mastered our family schedule with a tool that's probably already on your phone: Google Calendar.

1. Embracing Digital Solutions: The Google Calendar Way

Our family journey began with choosing the right tool. After some trial and error, we landed on Google Calendar for its accessibility and flexibility. We tried using the native Apple calendar, but found that we needed a solution that could be used on any device and with multiple log ins. With individual logins, each family member can add events, set reminders, and even color-code activities. By sharing the calendar with home, school, and work accounts, there is never an excuse for not adding something to, or knowing what is on the calendar. This digital solution has become our centralized command center for all things scheduling.

2. The Golden Rule: "If It Isn't on the Calendar, It Isn't Happening"

Adopting this mantra transformed our approach to planning. It encourages accountability and ensures that every family member is on the same page. Forgotten piano recitals or overlapping appointments? A thing of the past. If it's important, it's on the calendar. It started with just my husband and I, but when the girls hit middle school, their schedules became their responsibility. Do we follow the rule 100% of the time - you know we can't do that, especially when mom is usually the one making calendar errors! 😉 We do make a habit of enforcing the rule and following through as often as possible to keep us all in step.

3. Overcoming Hiccups: Learning and Adapting

No system is without its challenges, and ours was no exception. From missed notifications to overbooked days, we've had our share of missteps. But each hiccup was an opportunity to refine our process. We learned to set reminders for important events and regular family check-ins to discuss upcoming plans. Every Sunday my husband and I go to our favorite local haunt, pull out the calendars, and make a plan for the week. The girls know that Sunday is schedule day, and have a 4 pm deadline to get their events on the calendar. I love paper, and I jot everything down in my planner, but the Google calendar is the boss.

4. Life Saver, Time Saver

This shared calendar has been more than a scheduling tool; it's been a life saver. It's freed up time otherwise spent in the chaos of double-booking and last-minute scrambles. It's allowed us to focus more on what truly matters—spending quality time together and creating lasting memories while at the same time setting our girls up for the hustle of their future lives. As I write this I wonder what will happen when my oldest goes to college next year. Will she use her own calendar? 😢

In our fast-paced world, a shared family calendar is more than a convenience; it's a cornerstone of family organization. By embracing this tool, we've not only streamlined our schedules but also strengthened our family bond. And if we can do it, so can you!

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