Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Self-Care Strategies for the Busy Mom

Hello, Supermoms! In the hustle of parenting, work, and life, it’s easy to forget the most important person in the equation – you. Self-care often gets misconstrued as indulgence, but it’s about much more than bubble baths and chocolate. It’s about connecting with yourself, embracing grace, and finding calm in the chaos of life. There are so many things about being a mom that make self-care difficult. Often there is a price tag to self-care, and spending money usually makes me feel more stressed than cared for, especially if it is for me. Self-care can also seem like something that takes up a lot of time, and I don’t have time as a luxury because I’m choosing to spend it very methodically on the things that will further my goals in this season. Self-care can also seem so woo-woo that I don’t want to even try because woo-woo makes me feel like there is something else I have to defend my actions on. Are you feeling these things when it comes to self-care? Then this blog post is dedicated to you, the moms out there making it all happen, and how you can integrate real, meaningful self-care into your daily routine.

Mindful Minutes

Self-care doesn’t require hours of spare time. Start with ‘Mindful Minutes’ throughout your day. It could be a five-minute morning meditation, a moment of deep breathing before a hectic school run, or a quiet evening reflection. These small pauses are powerful in bringing you back to the present, allowing you to center yourself amidst the day’s demands. 

In the past few months I’ve started to feel more anxiety than I ever have in my life. There is free floating anxiety in the world, and the added stress of having a senior in high school and starting a business have all converged on me! A friend taught me the 3-2-1 strategy: in a stressful moment pause to breathe and name 3 things you can see, 2 things you can hear, and one thing you can feel. Or make up your own combination! In less than a minute I can feel more grounded and present, and shake the anxiety that is swirling around me.

Another thing that I do is force myself to walk slower. I breathe and slow my steps. As my feet slow, my heart and brain do also. Taking a break from rushing is the ultimate act of self-care for me and reminds me that I control time, not the other way around.

Movement for Mood

Exercise is often touted for physical health, but its mental benefits are equally vital. This doesn’t mean you need to carve out time for a full gym session. Incorporate movement into your day: a brisk walk, stretching during a TV show, or a quick yoga flow once the kids are in bed. This can significantly lift your mood and energy levels.

I have made a habit of moving for 5 minutes an hour. A quick walk around the block, pacing to the front of the house and back, vacuuming for 5 minutes, anything that gets me moving. I also love the 10 minute workouts on Apple Fitness (you can find the same kinds on YouTube your your favorite app). After 10 minutes I feel like I have done something to honor the body that I usually take for granted, and I get a little burst of workout high! 

Bonus: Create a mood booster playlist (here’s mine) and blast it when you take your five minute break. Movement + Music = Mood Enhancement!

Journaling for Self-Discovery

Journaling can be a transformative tool for self-reflection and emotional clarity. Dedicate a few minutes each day or week to jot down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This practice can help you process emotions, celebrate successes, and gain perspective on challenges.

My favorite app for guided journaling is Stoic. It’s free (there are upgrades) and I love the simplicity of the design. It is set up for morning and evening journaling - you put in what you want to focus on that day and the journal gives you prompts. There are all kinds of other prompts also, I learned fear-setting by using this app, and that alone is worth the download! The app also has breathing, meditation, and much more. 

Nourish Your Body and Soul

Eating well is a form of self-respect. Amidst the busy schedules, prioritize nutritious meals that fuel your body and mind. This doesn’t mean elaborate cooking; simple, healthy recipes can be both time-efficient and nourishing.

I joined a meal prep service this fall and I felt so guilty. I wanted to be able to spend time making a menu, and planning a grocery list, and shopping, and cooking, but I just didn’t have the bandwidth anymore. And you know what happened, my family started cooking. I realized that I had been holding those tasks to myself, and when the recipe was on a card right in front of them, they were more than happy to pitch in. We’ve cut back on how many meals we get each week, but when I choose the recipes I print them out because when they are not on my phone for me only, my family can help and they want to! We were eating nourishing meals, and also everyone’s soul was nourished because they were contributing to the family. And this leads me to…

Seek and Accept Support

Self-care also involves knowing when to ask for help. Lean on your support network – be it family, friends, or community resources. Accepting help isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a smart strategy for self-preservation and balance.

When my girls cook dinner they are learning so many life skills, and I get 30-45 minutes to work on an itinerary or build content (like writing a blog post). When my husband does the laundry, he’s giving the gift of support and getting the gift of gratitude. When I “burden” my friends I am actually giving them the gift of trust and they are giving me the gift of support. Seeking and accepting help is the opposite of selfish!

Connect with Your Passions

Remember the things you loved before becoming a mom. Whether it’s reading, painting, or dancing, find little ways to reconnect with these passions. Even if it’s just for a few minutes a week, this can be incredibly rejuvenating.

I love to read, and I have to make myself put down travel guides and magazines, and entrepreneur books to pick up something fun. When I read something fun, something just for me, I feel so happy. Your passions make you who you are, and if you lose them or ignore them, you aren’t as whole. Everyone in your life wants you to be whole, and you need you to be whole. Don’t sacrifice what you love and what you find fun for the sake of time or making someone else happy. 

Self Care isn’t Selfish

Moms, remember that taking care of yourself isn’t selfish; it’s essential. These strategies aren’t about adding more to your to-do list but about integrating self-care into your daily life in manageable, meaningful ways. By doing so, you’re not just surviving; you’re thriving, and that’s the best gift you can give to yourself and your family.

When I don’t take my own advice, I become a wretched, anxious troll. I don’t love myself that way! I’ve found that I don’t need a three hour bubble bath with champagne and scented candles to practice self-care. Self-care is best for me when it is something that fits naturally into my day and doesn’t require line in my budget. 

Travel can be a excellent form of self-care! Whether solo, with friends, couples or as a family - travel can help us reconnect to ourselves and our loved ones. Book a free discovery call with me today to share your travel dreams and start the journey toward travel reality!

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