Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Art and Action of Balance

 A mom working on her laptop while entertaining her children while in the forefront a stylized lady justice as Buddha holds scales that are out of balanceIn today's fast-paced world, balance often feels like a distant, mythical state that's more aspirational than achievable. Whenever I hear folks talking about a balanced life, I have two images, one of the Buddha - serene and chill, the other of Lady Justice - her scales perfectly balanced. But what if we reimagined balance not as a static state of perfection, but as a dynamic process of engagement and decision-making? This perspective shift can transform our approach to finding harmony in our lives, especially when juggling the demands of family, work, and personal passions. In this post, we'll explore how embracing balance as an active choice can lead to a more fulfilling and adventurous life, resonating particularly with families seeking to deepen their connections through shared experiences.

The Myth of Perfect Balance:

Often, balance is depicted as a serene state where every aspect of life aligns perfectly. However, this ideal is not only unrealistic but also misleading. Life is inherently unpredictable, and striving for perfect balance can lead to frustration and a sense of failure. Instead, consider balance as a fluid state, where priorities can shift from one moment to the next, demanding our presence and adaptability. I feel that often we think of a day as 100% as we want to divide that into equal parts. Instead I try to think of each part of my life as 100% but each part changes size. 100% for work today may take 90% of my time, and tomorrow 100% for my kids may take 87% of my time. At the end of the day, I’m not looking for perfect balance, I’m looking to see if I gave what was needed to each area.

Mom writing on tablet while working on her laptop while her kids dance and play in the background

The beauty of balance lies in its imperfection. Acknowledging that it's okay to not have everything under control all the time is the first step towards a healthier outlook on life. This acceptance opens the door to being more present in our daily activities and making mindful choices about where to focus our energy. Presence is key to balance. If I am going to give what is needed to each piece of my life, I have to know what is needed. I can’t guess. Presence and communication will help me find balance each day. This presence allows us to assess our priorities in real-time and make decisions that align with our core values of connection and family. Communication is important, especially when it comes to empowering those in our lives to speak what they need. When my kids were little, I anticipated what they needed, but as they have grown I’ve taught them to communicate with me. When they communicate their needs, there is less opportunity for hurt feelings or disconnection.

Making Conscious Choices:

Balance requires making choices, sometimes tough ones, about what or who needs our attention the most at any given time. It's about recognizing when your family needs you to be unplugged and present, when your personal well-being needs a boost through activities like running, yoga, or cooking, or when your professional goals demand your focus. Making these choices will often mean that something is not going to be completed, a ball will have to drop. If you have practiced presence and strong communication, you will be in a good place to know which balls can be gently placed down, and when to pick them back up! This is a superpower! 

Tips for Practicing Balance:

✨ Prioritize Mindfully: Start each day by identifying your top priorities, keeping in mind they can change from day to day. I like to use the 3-2-1 method. Each morning I identify 3 key commitments, 2 secondary commitments, and 1 personal commitment. This doesn’t mean that other things don’t get done, but these are where I focus my energy because they are priority.

✨ Embrace Flexibility: Be open to adjusting your plans and priorities as the day unfolds. Even when I have my 3-2-1 list, things come up. That’s life. If you are practicing balancing instead of searching for balance, you will be better equipped to pivot when things go sideways.

✨ Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries between work, family time, and personal time to ensure

A group of people do yoga in a serene natural setting

each gets the attention it deserves. I hesitate to put this, because I think that this can be a stumbling block at times. Clear boundaries doesn’t mean that the lines cannot be moved. For instance, I don’t check email after 8 pm. When I worked with folks I knew would work at night, I told them that I didn’t check email, but if they hit a snag, to text me, and if I was available I would be happy to respond. I communicated my boundaries, and when people text me late at night, they know that they might not get a response. 

✨ Incorporate Joy: Make sure to include activities that bring you joy and connect you with your loved ones. Be explicit with this. Keep a joy journal where you write down things that brought you joy each day, or write down the things that you are looking forward to experiencing in the day. I am a person who tends to lean into the negative, and if I am not taking action toward noticing joy, I don’t see any of the growth that I have made or the fun that I’ve had.

✨ Reflect and Adjust: Regularly reflect on how balanced you feel and make adjustments as needed. Reflection is an action. It isn’t just thinking! Write it down or talk it out, take a tangible action. Ask for feedback. I regularly ask my daughters if they need anything from me that they are not getting. My planner has space for me to reflect at the end of the week and month, and even though I hate it, I do it because I know that I need to take the time to check my progress. This might be the most overlooked way to be sure balance is happening!

Balance isn't about achieving a perfect equilibrium but about making intentional choices that align with our current needs and values. It's an ongoing, dynamic process that requires presence, adaptability, and the courage to prioritize what truly matters. By embracing the art and action of balance, we can lead more fulfilling lives, enriched with deep connections and adventurous experiences.

This approach to balance is not just a theory; it's a practice that can lead to a more adventurous and connected life. So, let's step into the action of balancing, fully engaged and ready to make the choices that bring us closer to the lives we envision for ourselves and our families.

For those who cherish adventure and discovery, like the readers of Adventuring with Krystal, balance also includes weaving in experiences that enrich your life and deepen family bonds. Planning a nostalgic road trip, exploring a new hiking trail, or booking an international vacation can all be acts of balance, providing rejuvenation and a sense of adventure. I can help! Book a free discovery call today, and let’s find your travel balance.

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